“Organ bag” is one of the forms of VCI gas-phase anti-rust bag. The organ bag is the plug-in bag, folding bag, clip bag, etc. The literal interpretation of an accordion bag is a bag that can be opened like an accordion.
The edges on both sides are folded into the inner surface of the bag, which reduces the occupied space. From the perspective of capacity, the same size of the bag has a huge advantage incapacity. This is one of the reasons why organ bags are popular.

The convenient use of the accordion bag is outstanding. When the bag is opened, it has a three-dimensional shape, and the filling of metal parts is much easier.
The organ bag is suitable for packaging machine flow operation.
The color and thickness of the organ bag are optional.
No matter how the appearance of the bag changes, the focus of the VCI gas-phase anti-rust bag is always its anti-rust effect. With VCI anti-rust technology and a reasonable packaging solution, a “convenient anti-rust” thing becomes simple. More.