VCI anti-rust paper VCI paper is a new type of anti-rust packaging material made by coating anti-rust base paper with a gas phase corrosion inhibitor (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor).

Gas-phase corrosion inhibitor is a corrosion inhibitor prepared by a special synthesis process and compounding.

It can be directly vaporized at normal temperature and pressure alone or attached to a suitable carrier.

VCI anti-corrosion paper in a sealed environment through its own adjustable continuous volatilization, so that any space gap in the operating unit will be filled with mixed gas containing VCI anti-corrosion factor, this gas will be adsorbed on the metal surface, forming Only one or a few molecules thick dense protective film layer.

VCI anti-rust paper types

The protective film of VCI anti-corrosion paper can effectively isolate the metal surface from contact with moisture, oxygen and other harmful atmospheric corrosion factors, and inhibit the occurrence of electrochemical reactions that promote metal corrosion.

When using anti-rust paper, if VCI paper is not mixed with other anti-rust products, it is not necessary to use anti-rust oil and other products when packaging metal products. If you need to use it with anti-rust oil, use the same Adapted.

The better the seal, the better the anti-rust effect. Another point is that the parts are cleaned during packaging because the vapor phase inhibitor cannot neutralize the effect of acid and alkali.

The anti-rust bag manufacturer should wear gloves to operate, face the coated surface toward the package, and do not directly touch the metal surface to cause corrosion.

VCI paper is a volatile anti-rust material and should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. The unused rust-proof paper should continue to be sealed and stored.

Some anti-rust papers will naturally regain moisture in case of rainy weather, but the anti-rust function will not change. Generally, the shelf life is about 12 months.